Q: What is Talc ?
A: According to Minerals.net, Talc is the softest mineral on earth. It is commonly used as main ingredients in cosmetics, such as baby powder.

Q: Where can I contact your company?
A: As for now, you can only reach us via email at talc@talcindustri.com. Any business inquiries, arrangements, and other information can be discussed there.

Q: Who can I contact?
A: Our representative, Mr Alvian (alviantjhai@talcindustri.com or alviantjhai@gmail.com) will help you in this matter. Please do not send us sales offering or job proposal.

Q: Where is your company located?
A: Based on our contact us page, we are located in Tangerang, Java Island, in Indonesia .

Q: Where can I get direction to your factory/company?
A: Click here to get direction

Q: When will your website update more pictures?
A: We will upload more pictures as our construction progress advances at a certain month.

Q: Can potential customers/partners come and visit the factory?
A: Yes, we do welcome visitors to our factory. Please mail us in advance to discuss the arrangement at talc@talcindustri.com, or our company representative Mr Alvian at alviantjhai@gmail.com

Q: Any jobs opening ?
A: As per 2022 we do not have open job opening.

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